Saturday 26 March 2011

One of 'Those days'

We have all heard it, we have all said it. "It has just been one of 'those days'".
We smile and nod simatheticly when we hear it, with comlete understanding. Nothing more needs to be said when that comment is made. Well, Today has Definitly been one of 'those days'. We started the morning at 5am, after about 3 hours sleep. My daughter Hayley (asd) doesnt sleep much.
At %:30 we had our fisrt meltdown... over what pillow to sit on. Great start. The meltdown resulted in my two other kids waking up early and being tired and grumpy. Our routine was off today as some plans had to be changed. Note to self... when routine changes, be prepared for the world to end. make sure you have confessed all sins and be ready for the roof to crash in....
so we had to vote today. I cant wait until the day we can vote online... so much easier. My poor kids just didnt get it. Jarrah, my 6 yo, said, 'mummy, why dont you just say you want the good person to be leader and not worry about it?' Oh if only it were that easy!!!
i looked at the paper, and even though i knew who i wanted to vote for, i found all the many boxes daunting. I cant imaginge how dificult this sort of process would be for someone with ASD.
A friend of mine came to visit thiis afternoon and told me she had never seen Hayley in such a rotten mood. we now have a broken bookshelf and  a hole in the wall and a few broken toys due to a meltdown over how many bikkies she could eat.
The day just seemed to go on and on, with disaster after disaster.  Its now 10 past 9 and Benjamin is still awake. if anyone asks me how i am.. my reply will be 'it was one of those days'.
As a mum and a wife of someone with ASD, i am tempted to say i have more 'those days' than others, but the truth is, we all suffer from bad days, and we all deserve a medal for getting through another one of 'those days'. Its why it is so important to have friends and family  who support us and are willing to smile and nod simpatheticly when we vent about or rough day. It can be easy to get caught up in woe is me thoughts. and sometimes quite valid reasons to feel low. But where does that get us? It only makes our day even worse. I find that a lot of the time, myself included, those who deal with ASD will talk a lot about the troubles and the disadvantages of Disorder, but it is also so important to remind ourselves of all the wonderful things that come out of it. My daughter sees things that others dont see, her attention to detail is amazing and will be quite a skill she can use in her life. She also doesnt get caught up with things she doesnt care about, and her passion for her special interest gives her drive and amazing knowledge on the subject. My husband mayy not be very helpful with many aspects of our life, but he is very loyal, and blunt, which i need sometimes. He sees the world diferently to me and i find that my family is teaching me to see the world in many more colours than i tohught possible. So i need to learn to celebrate ASd, for it provides such a variety and uniqueness about our world.
Yes, today was a bad day, but something helps me keep going. The good thing about 'those days' is that they are not every day.. so today might be one of those days but tomorrow may be a great day, or even just an average day, but all i can hope for is that tomorrow will not be one of 'those days'. Otherwise i just might stay in bed.  :)

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